Why would I hire Stay Hosting to do what I can do on my own?
We know the algorithms that rental platforms work with and use these to our advantage, so that your property appears among the first. We are online 24/7 and respond to every inquiry asap. We also use a master calendar which allows the property or hotel to be published on multiple rental pages at the same time without risk of over-booking
How much will this cost me?
There is no upfront payment or monthly fixed fees. Our profit is solely based on positive obtained results - We only make money, when you make money. See our Pricing page for more info
What things do I still have to do once I decide to work with you?
Absolutely nothing if that is what you want.We create your listings, take care of the pictures, setup the yearly rates for each platform, talk to the arriving guests and inquiries, check them in on arrival, coordinate the cleaning and maintenance team, take care of monthly expenses, connect your accounts (Bank, PayPal, etc.) and provide you with a monthly P&L report. Check out our Services page for an overview of all the services we can offer.
I want to stay at my property or get some bookings on my own, how does that work?
Just let us know the dates so that we block them on the master calendar. We don't charge you for bookings that are made by you. We are here to help you increase your earnings. That is our main goal.
How and when do I receive the payment from confirmed reservations?
Each platform has different payment methods. Some pay on check in date and others do it a few days later. We will help and advise you every step of the way.
How do I know if I have increased my earnings thanks to Stay Hosting?
At the end of each month, our team will send you a profit and loss report. In this report you will find valuable information about your property which will be analyzed and compared to previous ones to create a proper pricing strategy and increase monthly sales.